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Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:57 am
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
the_leander wrote:There are still laws in place today in NI that say that the Irish language cannot be spoken? WTF?
'What the fuck?' indeed mate... To be honest, this one has really pissed me off. I believe that this is absolutely ridiculous! Máire Nic an Bhaird is a teacher of a language that is thankfully flourishing in its native land and being accepted across a very broad spectrum of Irish society as a key source of much of the roots of Irish artistry and culture.

Many road signs now have both English and Irish on them as well as many other European and global languages. Is that same PSNI officer going to run around Northern Ireland, spraying over every Gaelic direction or phrase? What a dickhead! He really is indicative of the thug mentality that used to run the show here. He should be in jail on institutional racism charges.

I am not fluent in Irish but I know enough about it to know that as a writer I draw upon the humour and musicality of our culture. Irish Gaelic contains many observations that are definitively Irish and that get lost in translation. There is humour of the most wonderfully warped nature, completely surreal that can turn-on untold amounts of laughter and leave people in hysterics with the giggles. I could go on, but I'm sure you know that cultural and ethnic identity and the right to express and live that cultural life, must be respected.

If Argie, Delph, Jo or you chose to write a piece of work and post it here in your own dialect and language, then I would be more than happy to have it on here. I would however appreciate a translation if applicable lol...
the_leander wrote:Seriously, such laws were abolished in Wales, Scotland and Cornwall yonks ago. (Admittedly the Cornish language is technically speaking dead, along with the Isle of Mann langauge, but thats not the point)...

Good for her, its about time this law was overturned as it is as the article states, clearly a breach of various EU treaties.
I raise my glass of Uisce Beatha* to you Alan.

Nice one mate :wink:
  • *Irish Gaelic ~ pronounced; 'Ishka Baha'
    English translation ~ Whiskey...

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:36 pm
by Catherine Edmunds
Gor blimey, guv <---- comment by delph in her own dialect/language.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:03 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
delph_ambi wrote:Gor blimey, guv <---- comment by delph in her own dialect/language.
Hear Hear!
Lugh impersonating the entire House of Lords :lol: ...

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 2:38 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh

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