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Copy of email to admin / management of

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 12:37 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Louis P. Burns aka Lugh

11th May, 2006.

Attn; Jan, Fraser and Suzi,

I have just had a lengthy conversation on the phone with Kevin Fennel of the Coventry & Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency, that's the name you displayed on both and its' sister site on; MSN, The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers as a point of contact for sending any monies off to for membership fees and donations towards; (Be advised there is a 7 conversation (recorded) sequence of calls to Kevin Fennel and his colleagues spanning some 6 months (approximately) concerning all of this and the content below in this message).

He has said he will email you soon regarding my concerns which are, the fact that I sent £30.00 to him via the above named co-op development agency for the attentions of Suzi Pritchard and other management / administration of Dome 2 Ltd /, which includes you (Jan and Fraser).

I worked very hard on your community as you know all too well and was treated very unfairly. I was ejected from your community on and its' sister site MSN, The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers (all electronic documentations logged and awaiting upload) when I confronted Suzi Pritchard about her flagrant and illegal abuse of trust with other members, given that she stated she was a trained art's therapist and counsellor.

Add this to the psuedo-therapy aspect running through your community (Fraser Duncan who doesn't appear to exist when called on the number displayed on a therapy website for both him and Ian Clancy. Please note, this was a recorded telephone conversation). I also networked with UKCP who are now aware of the criminal activities going on (Mike Bowen UKCP has been in contact with me on this matter) and I have been told they are actively monitoring you all.

Also add to that how you continued to display my work for something like 2 months despite my repeated requests that you removed and returned it to me complete with my money including compensation, an apology and an explanation. None of which materialised and only my request that you remove my work was eventually acknowledged, again by you and based on some notion that you were doing me a good turn (more therapy) because you were concerned for my health (absolute nonsense)...

This all looks quite ugly Jan. By default Suzi's, Fraser's and your actions against me have drawn other people into the frame, namely Kevin Fennel of the Coventry & Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency, the Warwichshire Police (who were also made aware of your online criminality), UKCP, Amy Tranter of the Felix Dennis Trust, certain members of the Press, The Arts Council for England, Trading and Marketing Standards office based in Belfast. I have also included various other people who I believe would benefit from knowing how you behaved towards a committed and dedicated artist / writer of 23 years standing. This is so that they too might see you for what you are or because they too stand to lose by working with you.

My next step, if I do not get my money, an explanation (that is feasible), an apology, my work returned (all of it) and some form of compensation for all the stress you, Fraser and Suzi have caused me, which I consider prolonged assault, is to upload the whole lot to my domain, recorded calls as well. Then let the world of media decide, including people who might fund you either now or at a later date...

I would strongly advise you fully co-operate now Jan. Kindly get back to me oas soon as possible on this matter. Time is marching on and you have already wasted quite a lot of mine...


Louis P. Burns aka Lugh.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 2:07 pm
by the_leander
Yeah I read this this morning in my mailbox.

Very powerful stuff, I wish you the best of luck with this.

I too have never heard of "Arts Therepy" as a course. It might be, but it smacks of mickey mouse degree course in my mind.

But yes, by holding up your work, against your wishes is a copyright violation, its not "Doing you a favour", or any other such bollocks, its doing them a favour - its more work to add to their portfolio, but you? No. You're bang on to demand what you have, though I strongly suspect that you'll not get any compensation beyond the money you yourself put in, and even that is probably not that likely tbh...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 2:36 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
the_leander wrote:Yeah I read this this morning in my mailbox.

Very powerful stuff, I wish you the best of luck with this.

I too have never heard of "Arts Therepy" as a course. It might be, but it smacks of mickey mouse degree course in my mind.

But yes, by holding up your work, against your wishes is a copyright violation, its not "Doing you a favour", or any other such bollocks, its doing them a favour - its more work to add to their portfolio, but you? No. You're bang on to demand what you have, though I strongly suspect that you'll not get any compensation beyond the money you yourself put in, and even that is probably not that likely tbh...
Cheers Alan mate. One of the other recipients of that email today was Amy Tranter of the Felix Dennis Publishing Group. She is P.A. to Felix Dennis who is registered on as their Patron. Even if Jan Harris aka Phoebe the admin of remove this from their homepage now, like they did with Kevin Fennel and the Coventry and Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency, enough people, including Nick Wilson from Coventry and Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency have stated they too saw it.

Amy Tranter responded with a very strange message, given that Felix Dennis has also apparently paid monies to Suzi Pritchard of Dome 2 Ltd, 21 Mount Street. Nuneaton CV11 5PL / In her message she requested that I now no longer contact her because I have got the 'authorities' involved. No bloody wonder. She has known about all of this since before Christmas 2005. In a recorded call to her last week she said she would have a word with Suzi Pritchard. She didn't. That call and all other calls to her and all concerned will be uploaded very soon too. So, shouldn't they all stop right now and get this sorted out, promptly?

Hypothetically its the same as me charging money and recieving sponsorship for our domain, then fleecing people who of good intent, bring inconsistencies to light. I read on that Felix Dennis had paid them over £1000.00, oh and he also supported their food magazine (Madelaine) with a hefty donation.

Shouldn't he, or his P.A. - Amy, be concerned about where their money is going? I know I am and all I sent was £30.00...

If you like (please respond in here), I will send you a few of these recordings by email. That said, I don't want to do your head in with it all. I know you're a busy man...

Quick message for Jo...
Jo. You have stated you're working as a nurse. If you thought (in your professional capacity) that someone had been abused in any way, would you tell members of the public about it? Or would you be discreet and bring it to the attention of someone who could deal with the matter effectively?

The reason I ask is because in an email to me some 7 or 8 months ago, Suzi Pritchard / Suzzie_uk of stated she believed another member had been sexually abused, probably by her father. That member did have a few concerns about the popularity of my work on (the original Crafty Fecker that I worked very hard on), but Suzi claimed her anger towards me was because the word 'fecker' might seem like the words 'fuck her' to this member. Suzi claims to be a trained teacher of Art's Therapy and Couselling.

Further to this there is someone on there called Fr£s^r Dun%an who claims to be a therapist, but when I phoned a number being displayed for him (complete with his photograph) on another website - Scroll halfway down the page that opens and view the second entry, directly below Ian Clancy's), I got a bloke who had never heard of him. He even asked me to say the number for him once more and verified that the number was his and that it was a private telephone number. I apologised for the intrusion, but was quite alarmed that a supposed therapist with credentials, was lying... That's why I contacted the UKCP...

Anyway. Let's see how it all pans out.

Thanks for your supportive feedback Alan. I really appreciate it mate.

Best wishes.

Footnote edited in.
  • I wonder how the Co-operative Bank will respond to all of this? They're now being listed on - membership pages as the new point of contact for donations and membership fees.

    I have the funniest feeling they'll be pretty pissed off about it...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:19 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
the_leander wrote:But yes, by holding up your work, against your wishes is a copyright violation, its not "Doing you a favour", or any other such bollocks, its doing them a favour - its more work to add to their portfolio, but you? No. You're bang on to demand what you have, though I strongly suspect that you'll not get any compensation beyond the money you yourself put in, and even that is probably not that likely tbh...
How about this Alan?

Back in November 2004 and as part of the original SENSITIZE (now deleted by MSN because of scumbags and their criminal activities / allegations online), I participated as a photographer and poet in the first edition of Madelaine, a food ezine being run by and as part of the National Poetry Day competition for 2004.

My work is still on display even though I have told them to remove all of it. Isn't this a breach of my copyright and possibly theft?

Please note that back then I used my name without the 'P' (Confirmation name) in it. I subsequently discovered that there's some big-wig using the name 'Louis Burns' online too. That said, I have all the relevant raw footage images stored to disc and external hard drives and Diarmuid McGowan aka Diesel my colleague at Upstate Renegade Productions, knocked his bollocks out editing them in time for submission to Madelaine.

All photographs were taken in Foyleside Shopping Centre here in Derry and Fitzroy's Bar & Restuarant, also here in Derry. I took them for the National Poetry Day competition and they alone should stand as clear indications of just how hard both Diarmuid and me worked for These links will take you to my work which is still being displayed (illegally):-

Put Your Teeth In Grandma - Poem by Louis Burns.

Sandwiches At The Beach - Haiku Style Poem by Louis Burns.

Report From The Custard Pie Combat Zone - Comedy Poem by Louis Burns.

Fizzy Flying Saucers - Photograph by Louis Burns.

Green Stairs - Photograph by Louis Burns.

Chocolate Delights - Photograph by Louis Burns.


Please note: The hyperlinks to my material on the Madelaine Magazine project listed above are now no longer active. This was because J. Harris finally acknowledged my requests that my work be removed after several emails requesting so.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:49 pm
by the_leander
Lugh wrote:
Cheers Alan mate. One of the other recipients of that email today was Amy Tranter of the Felix Dennis Publishing Group. She is P.A. to Felix Dennis who is registered on as their Patron. Even if Jan Harris aka Phoebe the admin of remove this from their homepage now, like they did with Kevin Fennel and the Coventry and Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency, enough people, including Nick Wilson from Coventry and Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency have stated they too saw it.
I know the Co-Op are pretty good with these sorts of things, typically, if there is even a whiff of scandle, they tend to drop things like hot potatos.
Lugh wrote: Amy Tranter responsed with very strange message, given that Felix Dennis has also apparently paid monies to Suzi Pritchard of Dome 2 Ltd, 21 Mount Street. Nuneaton CV11 5PL / In her message she requested that I now no longer contact her because I have got the 'authorities' involved. No bloody wonder. She has known about all of this since before Christmas 2005. In a recorded call to her last week she said she would have a word with Suzi Pritchard. She didn't. That call and all other calls to her and all concerned will be uploaded very soon. So, shouldn't they all stop right now and get this sorted out, promptly?
If she hasn't informed her superiors, or anyone else in the company, she could be personally liable for aiding and abbetting and obstruction of justice, I suspect she is going for a "ignore him and he'll go away" type of stratagy. Figuring that if they stay quiet and try to remain under the radar, you'll burn yourself out and nothing will stick to her personally, or to the company she represents. Its common enough, unfortunately..
Lugh wrote: Hypothetically its the same as me charging money and recieving sponsorship for our domain, then fleecing people who of good intent, bring inconsistencies to light. I read on that Felix Dennis had paid them over £1000.00, oh and he also supported their food magazine (Madelaine) with a hefty donation.

Shouldn't he, or his P.A. - Amy, be concerned about where their money is going? I know I am and all I sent was £30.00...
I forsee her getting the can if this blows up. By not looking into these claims and or taking action to distance the company away from dome2. She could well end up leaving the company she represents (not to mention her own personal liability) open to all manner of nastiness. I suspect she knows this too but is unable to see a new course.
Lugh wrote: If you like (please respond in here), I will send you a few of these recordings by email. That said, I don't want to do your head in with it all. I know you're a busy man...
By all means mate, I'll make the time for you, you know that mate :D
Lugh wrote: Quick message for Jo...
Jo. You have stated you're working as a nurse. If you thought (in your professional capacity) that someone had been abused in any way, would you tell members of the public about it? Or would you be discreet and bring it to the attention of someone who could deal with the matter effectively?
I know this is meant for Jo, but I'm bored :D

As I understand the law, as a medical professional, there are at least as far as kids go a legal requirement to inform the propper authorities, I'm unsure how that translates to adults however..
Lugh wrote: The reason I ask is because in an email to me some 7 or 8 months ago, Suzi Pritchard / Suzzie_uk of stated she believed another member had been sexually abused, probably by her father. That member did have a few concerns about the popularity of my work on (the original Crafty Fecker that I worked very hard on), but Suzi claimed her anger towards me was because the word 'fecker' might seem like the words 'fuck her' to this member. Suzi claims to be a trained teacher of Art's Therapy and Couselling.
Can you say "Leap of logic"? I'm sorry, but this is utter, utter tosh, and if she is a "trained teacher of Art's Therapy and Counselling", she aught to get her license revoked, or get a propper degree. I'm sorry if I seem harsh, but I have little to no tollerance of people who are qualified in what is essentially pop psychology if the above is a testiment to her skills.

And if its the person themselves making this leap, then perhaps some time on some stronger meds or in a nut house might be worth their while... On the other hand it could be a case of jealousy on the part of this unamed individual - attempting to get your work removed or damaged by use of appealing to the politically correct teacher in artsy fartsy therapy, in so doing helping to highlight their own work...
Lugh wrote: Further to this there is someone on there called Fraser Duncan who claims to be a therapist, but when I phoned a number being displayed for him (complete with his photograph) on another website, I got a bloke who had never heard of him. He even asked me to say the number for him once more and verified that the number was his and that it was a private telephone number. I apologised for the intrusion, but was quite alarmed that a supposed therapist with credentials, was lying... That's why I contacted the UKCP...
Oh dear, oh dear oh dear, I'm pretty certain that claiming to be a medical professional falsly comes with some very harsh penalties in the UK. I also bet that jo could probably quote you chapter and verse on just how many years in prison that it could come with too.
Lugh wrote: Thanks for your supportive feedback Alan. I really appreciate it mate.
No worries bud :D
Lugh wrote:
Footnote edited in.
  • I wonder how the Co-operative Bank will respond to all of this? They're now being listed on - membership pages as the new point of contact for donations and membership fees.

    I have the funniest feeling they'll be pretty pissed off about it...
Watch as their legal team start screaming "Eject eject eject" when they look at it in detail. The Co-Op are very very hardline when it comes to even looking a bit dodgy, if they think for one moment that they're funding something thats screwing over other people, they'll have two meetings:

1. To discuss their own legal liability (the screams of eject eject eject will play out here) as well as a way to spin it in their favour (and who can blame them, really?).

2. To work out how fast they can put distance between themselves and dome2, with appropriate legal threats on continued use of their own IP (IE continuing to showcase them as donators to the cause). If nothing happens from there, they have the wallop to just have the site closed, for someone like them, it'll take about 5 minutes on the phone to the host to have the site shut down.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:38 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh

Don't ya just love community arts? That aspect of all artists, filmakers, journalists, producers and writers which knows that their community, either in realtime or online is just that - a community / collection of people who desire entertainment / infotainment and positive interactions.

I am really grateful to you for getting back to me on this Alan. I genuinely mean that mate... I will now forward a few of the recordings to you to either listen to in private or to share with anyone you think might help in this matter.

You're a diamond.

Best wishes always...

P.S. Will send audio attachments from my work email address and not the one I contacted you on this morning mate...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:51 pm
by joanne chapman
Lugh, if a person, any person came to me to speak of any such things there are two things I legally have to do.

1, explain that if a crime had been commited or if certain claims are made, I have to inform another member of staff in confidence (more senior than myself) this is not just as a student but also as a nurse. Some things I have to report and I would, to protect myself and the patient. This I must state before they tell me.

2, If they confide in me about a personal situation, I have a legal obligation to not repeat it, 'patient confidentiality' NMC rules and regulations. I am resposible to the patient and if I breach the trust placed in me, it could prevent people having confidence in my profession as a whole.

If any patient spoke to me about something like that, I would advise them of the above and I would speak to a senior member of staff, but this would be for advice to help them. Help could not be forced on a pt, they must want help. Neither of us could or would speak to anyone else about it. Apart from the professional legal issues of pt confidentiality, morally I just wouldn't do it.

If some-one spoke of an issue like the one you mentioned, then they are doing it because they need help. To violate them by breaking confidence is unethical and illegal.

People who work in Healthcare are bound by codes of practice. It's what makes us what we are, that means we must always act 'in the patients best interest' - this is at all times, on and off duty.


Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:56 pm
by upstate
This just gets more and more interesting. I got an email reply to my yahoo account from the fake therapist mentioned earlier, Fraser. I replied (see below) and he has just sent me this response. (Silly tit most likely thinks he's untouchable). I reckon he's been hangin' out of Suzzie_uk's ridiculous community ( a tad too long and forgotten that real people with real issues exist...

Anyway, here's the to's and fro's of todays little community art's exercise. I have taken one small liberty and exchanged certain characters in their names and email addresses and also changed their names to dark red. This is because I've known these sad bastards to complain to hosts / servers before. Rest assured however, I can furnish anyone interested in this with the real names and addresses. So, here goes:-


To: "Fraser Duncan", "Jan Harris", "Pritchard Suzi"

My original emailed message earlier today (11th May, 2006) is the first you will read in this section. It is followed by Fraser Duncan's reply and then my response to him which is also going to all of you in the cc list.

To all cc recipients of this message - please store this message and its attachments for your own future legal or referencing purposes.

Thank you:-


Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
13 Rivercourt Apartments
John Street
Northern Ireland
BT48 6JY

11th May, 2006.

Attn; Jan, Fraser and Suzi,

I have just had a lengthy conversation on the phone with Kevin Fennel of the Coventry & Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency, that's the name you displayed on both and its' sister site on; MSN, The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers as a point of contact for sending any monies off to for membership fees and donations towards; (Be advised there is a 7 conversation (recorded) sequence of calls to Kevin Fennel and his colleagues spanning some 6 months (approximately) concerning all of this and the content below in this message).

He has said he will email you soon regarding my concerns which are, the fact that I sent £30.00 to him via the above named co-op development agency for the attentions of Suzi Pritchard and other management / administration of Dome 2 Ltd / , which includes you (Jan and Fraser).

I worked very hard on your community as you know all too well and was treated very unfairly. I was ejected from your community on and its' sister site MSN, The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers (all electronic documentations logged and awaiting upload) when I confronted Suzi Pritchard about her flagrant and illegal abuse of trust with other members, given that she stated she was a trained art's therapist and counsellor.

Add this to the psuedo-therapy aspect running through your community (Fraser Duncan who doesn't appear to exist when called on the number displayed on a therapy website for both him and Ian Clancy. Please note, this was a recorded telephone conversation). I also networked with UKCP who are now aware of the criminal activities going on (Mike Bowen UKCP has been in contact with me on this matter) and I have been told they are actively monitoring you all.

Also add to that how you continued to display my work for something like 2 months despite my repeated requests that you removed and returned it to me complete with my money including compensation, an apology and an explanation. None of which materialised and only my request that you remove my work was eventually acknowledged, again by you and based on some notion that you were doing me a good turn (more therapy) because you were concerned for my health (absolute nonsense)...

This all looks quite ugly Jan. By default 'Suzi's, Fraser's and your' actions against me have drawn other people into the frame, namely Kevin Fennel of Coventry & Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency, the Warwichshire Police (who were also made aware of your online criminality), UKCP, Amy Tranter of the Felix Dennis Trust, certain members of the Press, The Arts Council for England, Trading and Marketing Standards office based in Belfast. I have also included various other people who I believe would benefit from knowing how you behaved towards a committed and dedicated artist / writer of 23 years standing. This is so that they too might see you for what you are or because they too stand to lose by working with you.

My next step, if I do not get my money, an explanation (that is feasible), an apology, my work returned (all of it) and some form of compensation for all the stress 'you, Fraser and Suzi' have caused me, which I consider prolonged assault, is to upload the whole lot to my domain, recorded calls as well. Then let the world of media decide, including people who might fund you either now or at a later date...

I would strongly advise you fully co-operate now Jan. Kindly get back to me oas soon as possible on this matter. Time is marching on and you have already wasted quite a lot of mine...


Louis P. Burns aka Lugh.


Fraser Duncan <> wrote:


The only messages of mine you will find posted on Dome 2 are those which have the word "Removed" in them as I am not a member of Dome 2 any more.


Yes Fraser,

I noted your absence from there approximately 2 weeks ago. I believe it was on their latest farce to con paying members of the public via some half-arsed poetry competition. That said, this is part of an ongoing media campaign to reveal the criminality being carried out via and you were an active member in the wanton destruction of my work.

Do you remember your pompous message (see attached - Recommendations) suggesting I be removed, Eline and Miakoda returned with privileges and 'Suzi Pritchard' promoted? Yeah, that's right. The one I copied into MSN The Pleasure Dome. The one 'Jan Harris' removed.

Your behaviour then was elitist and in correspondence following the opening of my domain you said you had advised Jan Harris and Suzi Pritchard' to refund me, but that never happened. Sneaking off now when the shit hits the fan just about sums you up mate. How many other people have fallen victim to your pretence of therapy online Fraser? As a trained (with credentials) community art's activist, I am obliged to reveal your activities + those of 'Suzi Pritchard and Jan Harris'.

You never explained why you behaved so badly towards me and that is why you are still included in all of this. I was always honest when I stated I live with disabilities including depression. You actively marginalised me Fraser, so don't bore the tits off me now with your pathetic routines. If you have a problem with any of it, I would urge you to contact the Police and get a bloody good solicitor. You are going to need one as I now have the full backing of certain media outlets.

Also attached with this email is a copy of a call to a number being displayed as yours on a therapy website. I spoke with a man who claimed he'd never heard of you. I also spoke with your colleague, Ian Clancy by phone. That call has also been recorded. I hope for your sake that you have solid explanations for the authorities Fraser...

If you're considering any removal of that website, I wouldn't bother. It's already been logged with UKCP and various other concerned people. I have also taken the absolute liberty of copying it into this message just in case others haven't seen it;-

"Fraser Duncan (Consultant, Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer)
BA Applied Social Studies; MSc Health Information Management; Certificate of Qualification in Social Work; Advanced Diploma in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy; Diploma in Gold Counselling; Member of British Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapists; Registered with Association of Gold Counsellors, Central Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists, General Hypnotherapy Register, UK Council for Psychotherapy; Accredited as Supervisor with National Council of Psychotherapists; Accredited as Trainer with Stonebow Organisation.
Fraser is based in Bristol and offers a range of therapy and training services within the UK to organisations, individual adults and children, and to the professionals who work with them.
He works with other contractors to provide the best service possible. He is qualified and experienced in all of the areas he works in. In addition, he has professional memberships, registrations and accreditations as detailed above.
Fraser has worked for the past 20 years with social services departments, education departments, the NHS and with private and voluntary organisations. He has extensive experience of working with families and children who have emotional and behavioural difficulties, particularly in the field of attachment problems and in post-adoption support.
He currently runs a private practice in Bristol, providing therapy, training and supervision. He additionally works in partnership with one of the leading schools in the country for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, and provides supervision for a number of professionals within other organisations. He maintains links with, and provides services for, Adoption UK as part of his long-standing involvement and commitment to adoption. He is, himself, an adoptive parent.

BS34 7NH

Tel (0117) 377 7695 Mobile (07973) 868 698



Looking forward to seeing you in court Fraser.

Very sincerely.

Louis P. Burns aka Lugh aka ©BOLD® on the MSN network...


I just got this email from the same therapist / dickhead with the false website. Please note, I have made a slight alteration to his signature at the bottom of this message too. This is because I expect the wanker to contact phpBB seeking to destroy this community as well. Him and his cohorts have a history of this online and frankly it's sickening that they breathe the same air as decent human beings:-


It was right to remove you from Dome 2 as you broke the rules you said you would adhere to after you were allowed to return to Dome 2 following your first contentious departure. I stand by that decision since, as you rightly point-out, I was involved in it. I have also communicated with you in respect of meeting those very few demands of yours which were reasonable. I also stand by that statement, but perhaps it is difficult for others to filter through your various communications (most of which are unreaonable) to find anything which they consider reasonable.

You seem to wish to persist in dragging me into your pathetic dispute.....accompanied by inappropriate personal insults. So be it. I shall treat all further emails from you with the contempt that they deserve...and ignore them as I have done in the past.

For the record, those people who have a therapeutic relationship with me know exactly how to communicate with me. I have never had such a relationship with you....nor will I ever have. Thus, any comments by you on how I conduct myself as a therapist are completely irrelevant. UKCP have no such problem. I know this as I have more contact with them on an ongoing basis than you do.

You have made several stupid threats towards me both now and in the past. I will log all of these as I have logged all of your emails, and have no problem with instructing a solicitor should that become necessary, although the phrase "all bark and no bite" seems most appropriate in your case.

Feel free to rant further until you exhaust yourself or bore everybody to tears.



This is my reply to him:-

Ok Fraser.

The only rule (laughable) that I may have broken was regarding Suzi's illegal activities in stating she was a Counsellor and teacher of Art's Therapy and how she speculated on the very serious misfortunes of Eline by stating that she thought Eline "had been sexually abused 'probably by her father"... You, as a supposed professional should also have taken issue with this. You did not. That makes you an accessory after the fact Fraser.

Can you explain why your details are on a website which displays a phone number that turned out to be a residential line? Either the man I was talking to in that conversation was you and I 'caught you on the hop', or your 'therapy', like almost everything else I have seen on is illegal. Mike Bowen of UKCP contacted me by phone following a call I made to them over the Christmas period (2005). He asked if I would co-operate to reveal all of this and I said yes. So how does 'wise up Fraser' sound?

Tell you what Fraser. Why don't I send him a copy of this email from you and other recent developments? Then we'll see who is making stupid threats. As for your smartarsed comment about 'all bark and no bite', click here dickhead...

Go for it Fraser. I look forward to anything that you think might be legal, including a letter from any solicitor you hire.

Very sincerely.

Louis P. Burns aka Lugh -

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:58 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
jo wrote:Lugh, if a person, any person came to me to speak of any such things there are two things I legally have to do.

1, explain that if a crime had been commited or if certain claims are made, I have to inform another member of staff in confidence (more senior than myself) this is not just as a student but also as a nurse. Some things I have to report and I would, to protect myself and the patient. This I must state before they tell me.

2, If they confide in me about a personal situation, I have a legal obligation to not repeat it, 'patient confidentiality' NMC rules and regulations. I am resposible to the patient and if I breach the trust placed in me, it could prevent people having confidence in my profession as a whole.

If any patient spoke to me about something like that, I would advise them of the above and I would speak to a senior member of staff, but this would be for advice to help them. Help could not be forced on a pt, they must want help. Neither of us could or would speak to anyone else about it. Apart from the professional legal issues of pt confidentiality, morally I just wouldn't do it.

If some-one spoke of an issue like the one you mentioned, then they are doing it because they need help. To violate them by breaking confidence is unethical and illegal.

People who work in Healthcare are bound by codes of practice. It's what makes us what we are, that means we must always act 'in the patients best interest' - this is at all times, on and off duty.

Thank you for this Jo mate. I really appreciate your thorough break-down of the legal implications for real medical and psychology / psychiatry professionals and sincerely hope now that 'Fraser Duncan realises just how criminally he has behaved / is behaving...

All of the amended names in the above messages will be posted onto our domain without changes, within the next few days... The only reason they have been altered here is because Fraser, Jan & Suzi have a whopping history of wrecking community art's initiatives that dare to defy them by existing.

My sincere apologies to all members if this has confused anyone but it was necessary to protect our community from these scumbags and the entire community ethos of phpBB which is brilliant...

Slánte / Cheers

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 4:08 am
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
I see old Numb Nuts - Fraser Duncan has had his fake therapy website closed down. Check it out now :P ;- ... pists.html

It's a great feeling watching this twisted little fart disappear. Hopefully he will have a few more misfortunes along the way. I consider screwing shitehawks like him into the ground professionally, practice and / or, work-in-progress :wink:...

Right. I need to ask you all a few very serious questions. Hopefully, you will respond with your tongues firmly in your cheeks and aiming to take the absolute piss.

While researching yesterday for any other references to Fraser Duncan and I was quite alarmed to find this.

Speaking in a professional capacity; I haven't got a clue why he's operating out of what is supposedly an online learning community for writers. Do any of you?

What are they aiming to teach with this shite?

Are they aware that by claiming to be an online learning environment for writers and taking money from the public to provide these services, they are legally obliged to explain this hypnotherapy / psychotherapy?

Is approved by UKCP or any other medical / psychotherapy authority to carry out this form of work? If they are, why don't they state this in their homepage / mission statement?

Have they used the money I sent to them through Kevin Fennel and the Coventry and Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency to pay wankers like Fraser Duncan for this? If so, why was I never informed?

Just a thought: I wonder what the Felix Dennis Publishing Group will do when they see that their money may also have been spent the same way?

Again, I urge you to be as hilarious in your responses as you can and really rip the bollocks out of Fraser Duncan and Don't use his proper name on here though. If you do, I will do an edit.

  • Be advised; in the audio aspect of the above hyperlink, Fraser Duncan is working with alpha-waves in his speech patterns. They are the very husky, sexy voiced moments where he's all 'breathie & passionate'. I nearly ejaculated when I heard him for the first time :P...

    He's also loaded the audio in this with auto-suggestion that may create a false sense of relaxation and which some of you may fall for. I take no responsibility for that but will say one thing: I think he sounds like a middle-aged, sad, lonely priest. Pissed on chapel wine. Twirling what's left of his hair with a clean but delicate forefinger, while chatting up an altar boy, on a very hot day.

    Maybe you have even more sordid images of him. Post them into here folks. This dickhead is priceless..! :shock:

    Arrange for your friends to send you loads of annoying text messages. Eat crunchy crisps and rustle paper bags while Fraser Duncan's voice is playing. If you don't you will become a boring prick with no friends and a 'luvvie, luvvie' accent that everyone laughs at behind your back.
"Larry. Dear, dear.., Larry"...

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:20 am
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
What exactly is Suzi playing at with people's money, resources, talent and time online? It would appear there is a pattern of denied access to original work by writers, fraud and theft running through her communities, forums and websites..! MSN had also better have a good explanation for their seeming approval of her criminality, oh and their cheque books at the ready...

Be warned Suzi. If I do not get a satisfactory outcome to all I have been put through with you and Fraser, + my money, compensation, explanations and apologies then there will be more trouble than you could ever dream of... A lot of good people have been hurt because of your criminal deceptions. You are going to pay and pay hard...


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:13 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
I see old Suzi (the administrator, manager and owner of which is a money making annex to; MSN The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers has felt the need to, yet again, post her CV online. It most definitely appears she needs to explain herself, a lot.

Well, all of the CV information in the world still doesn't explain why she:-
  • Took money from me via Kevin Fennel at the Co-Op Development Agency in Coventry.

    Exercised illegal therapies along with some clown using the identity - Fraser Duncan.

    Denied me access to my own written work and intellectual copyright despite my repeated requests and legal right as a paying member of the public to do so.

    Displayed my work and intellectual copyright even after dismissing me from her community because I questioned her credentials as a 'teacher of counselling' (her words).

    Breached confidentialities in emails to me and/or trusts of other members, therefore badly maligning their character and going against any and all ethics set in place for practitioners of counselling. (UKCP - United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy have been notified).

    Carried out any form of therapy at all on what are billed as writer's learning communities without clearly telling paying members of the public that she has legal permission to do so. She doesn't by the way, because if she did, she would have to state so on her homepage and any/all correspondence with members of the paying public.

    Has a pattern of treating dedicated and talented writers on her communities this way (see here)

    Has gone against strick guidelines put in place by MSN (who I have contacted about all of this) and is profiting illegally via their communities.

    Defraud paying members of the public by claiming she will build and host websites for those members who pay donations of £25.00 or more, then doesn't deliver those paid for goods.

    Hides behind someone who for the time being will be named; F. Dennis Publishing and whose P.A. / staff (A. Tranter) deliberately mess people around when they genuinely ask for support from F. Dennis as the Patron of Suzi's communities.

    One full year later issued a refund cheque only, despite being asked to give apologies, compensation and explanations for her assaults, deceptions and malpractice. By the way, the cheque came from the same Co-Op Development Agency that in an audio recording stated they had nothing more to do with / Dome 2 Ltd. 21 Mount Street. Nuneaton. ENGLAND CV11 5PL (Suzi's address)
There's lots more, but this should serve to keep you updated for now...

I just find it interesting that people like Suzi seem free to get away with all of these crimes and MSN (despite being advised about it all by me) do nothing about it. Likewise F. Dennis Publishing. Is it possible they collect the works of unknown writers then abuse them until they maybe leave their work online for plagerising scumbags to steal? That's just me thinking out loud folks. That said, why would a supposedly respectable publishing group like F. Dennis Publishing not distance themselves from a revealed criminal like Suzi and her cohort; Fraser - the very dodgy hypnotherapist who displays other people's private telephone numbers on a website that has now been removed (see earlier messages on this thread) and who seems to have a very unhealthy need to talk to children online?

They all have a lot of explaining to do, but can do so to the Police and the public. As far as I am concerned, this is out of my hands now. They should get good solicitors. They are going to need them...

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:58 am
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Look what I found folks...

Is it possible that the website displaying Fraser's details in an earlier post to this thread, were perhaps cloned from the hyperlink above? I'll put that in layman's terms:- Could someone have used Fraser's identity illegally as part of some money-making scam via certain writer's online learning communities? If that is the case, then whoever opened the virgin net freespace account that both Ian and Fraser's details were being diplayed on, is in a world of hurt. All things can be tracked back online and I'm sure if it is the case, Virgin would be happy to assist any investigation.

I suppose the only way to be certain would be to clarify if the mp3 embedded materials that are supposedly Fraser's and being displayed on, are actually his... It would also mean that whoever it was that I spoke to via the phone on the number displayed in that virgin site, was lying when they claimed their number was private and that they'd never heard of Fraser...

Looks like the real Fraser owes me some gratitude for uncovering this. If it is the case...

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:07 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Then again, that's a crock of crap because Fraser's email address has remained the same. So ignore that message directly before this one. Fraser's a feckin' tosser...

copy of email to rackspace hosting UK. 24.08.06

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:50 pm
by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Upstate Renegade Productions
13, Rivercourt Apartments
John Street
Northern Ireland
BT48 6JY
c/tact (UK) 028 71364768

For the attention of:-
Abuse / Complaints Dept
Rackspace UK Hosting
24th August, 2006.

To whom it may concern.

My name is Louis P. Burns aka Lugh and I am an independent media producer and writer living in Derry, Northern Ireland. I have a long track record within the industry and have worked (health permitting) on several community arts and professional productions over the years. I once managed an MSN community called Sensitize but it got closed due to complaints made by people who now seem to have disappeared offline and who claimed their privacy had been breached. In actual fact, all I had done was copy and paste conversations via messenger of these people who were making or implying criminal accusations about me, my production company and by default my colleagues. Some of the people who complained were / are active members of MSN The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers and their sister site on your servers at Dome 2 (for further details please read the contents directly below). The rest of this email continues after these details.

[DOMAIN whois information for WWW.DOME2.COM ]
Domain Name: DOME2.COM
Namespace: ICANN Unsponsored Generic TLD -
TLD Info: See IANA Whois -
Registry: VeriSign, Inc. -
Registrar: ENOM, INC. -
Whois Server:
Name Server[from whois+dns, dns ip]: NS1.BRITECORP-HOSTING5.CO.UK
Name Server[from whois+dns, dns ip]: NS2.BRITECORP-HOSTING5.CO.UK
Updated Date: 06-May-2006
Creation Date: 25-Nov-2003
Expiration Date: 25-Nov-2006
Registration Service Provided By: The Rack Group

Domain name:

Registrant Contact:
The Dome2
Suzi Pritchard (
Fax: +44.2476344747
21, Mount Street
Nuneaton, cv115pl

Administrative Contact:
The Dome2
Suzi Pritchard (
Fax: +44.2476344747
21, Mount Street
Nuneaton, cv115pl

Technical Contact:
The Dome2
Suzi Pritchard (
Fax: +44.2476344747
21, Mount Street
Nuneaton, cv115pl

Status: Locked

Name Servers:

Creation date: 25 Nov 2003 12:50:05
Expiration date: 25 Nov 2006 12:50:05

I have had to contact the Police both here in Northern Ireland and in the Coventry / Warwickshire region of England. I have also networked with Mike Bowen of UKCP and Joesphine Teague of N-SHAP to have this matter investigated. I have been the victim of both financial and work fraud. I have also been the victim of illegal psycho-therapy via Dome 2 and a character who has claimed he is a therapist called Fraser Duncan. I have contacted the Co-operative Bank Fraud Investigations Department and have exposed extremely questionable activities by a man called Kevin Fennel at Coventry & Warwickshire Co-Op Development Agency (CWCDA).

The main perpetrator of criminality via Dome 2 and MSN The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers is someone called Suzi Pritchard / SuzzieUK / of Dome2 Ltd, who resides at; 21 Mount Street. Nuneaton. ENGLAND CV11 5PL. In an email to me while I was a member of her communities ( Dome 2 and MSN The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers ) Suzi implied that another member had been "sexually abused 'probably by her father" and that my writing which on occasion did address adult themes, may have been the reason why this other member objected to my writing. This person has explained however that what Suzi Pritchard claimed was not the case.

Suzi was working in tandem with what I can only describe as a completely sinister character who claimed he was Fraser Duncan a therapist. Fraser has claimed he worked with children and that all therapeutic activities he carried out via Dome 2 were legal. I questioned and confronted both Fraser and Suzi because I know enough about the arts industry to know that therapists breaching confidentialities or in any way implying something that later turns out not to be the case, is a criminal / unethical act and counter-productive to the arts... Their response was to ban me from their communities and also hold onto my work as a filmaker / producer / photographer and writer. That in itself is the crime of intellectual copyright fraud and theft given that I had advised them to remove my work, several times and told them to refund monies amounting to £30.00 + compensations where applicable. I did not get any of these requests respected and decided the only course of action open to me was to contact both the Police and registered mental health authorities / charities to make them aware of what had happened.

I finally received a cheque in the post via CWCDA which I have still not cashed because I don't know the legalities of cashing it. This cheque was for £30.00. My written work however remained on public view via Dome 2 for almost 7 months and some of my photography which is clearly marked as copyrighted material is still on display. This means that anyone seeking the services of Upstate Renegade Productions, which are a voluntary media production service, get references to me on Dome 2 . This is not acceptable and I see it as an assault on my good name, that of my media production service and my colleagues by default. I do not want to be connected in any way, shape or form with the criminals operating via Dome 2 or MSN The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers and I want Rackspace UK to investigate and remove all references to me on Dome 2 as a matter of urgency or close their domain based upon the evidence which I can provide.

This evidence includes recorded telephone conversations and emails with some of the people working through Dome 2 or MSN The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers My legal right to continue to further my career opportunities via the internet are being affected negatively by the people who manage Dome 2 and MSN The Pleasure Dome;a home for writers . I consider this to be assault.

If I do not get a satisfactory resolution to this matter, then I have no alternative but to alert the Press who will no doubt have a field day exposing the criminal claims of Suzi Pritchard who is supposedly running a writer's learning community but who is in actual fact carrying out unregistered, illegal therapies. It has become apparent that she thinks both her and whoever Fraser Duncan (see below) turns out to be, can work above the laws governing therapists and UK laws in general...

For your records. The person claiming to be the registered therapist - Fraser Duncan, has on two seperate occasions now, provided incorrect phone numbers, one of which I have recorded as a call to voicepen then transferred to pc and uploaded where I asked the person who answered the call if they were Fraser Duncan and was told that they had never heard of Fraser Duncan. When I reread the number back to this person they accepted it was their phone number but were confused as to why it was on display via the internet and on a therapist's website (now defunct) on the servers. Should Rackspace need this evidence I can provide it... In the meantime you can click on this link and scroll halfway down the page to details supposedly about Fraser Duncan. What is interesting here is that the mobile number provided is dud and the landline provided does not receive incoming calls. This in itself is questionable given that this person claims to be a registered and working therapist.

Thank you for your kind attention in this matter.
I am and remain. Yours faithfully.

Louis P. Burns aka Lugh - Upstate Renegade Productions