Derry Musician & Artist's CD for Foyle Hospice 2001

Louis P. Burns aka Lugh's space on Sensitize ©.

"Rarely do you come upon an artist who is as passionate about his work as Louis. I have been fortunate to work on some marvellous comedy projects with him and his boundless energy and creative enthusiasm is inspirational. His characters and mastery of dialogue inspire any co-writer or colleague to 'up their game' just to feel at the same level. I would strongly recommend Louis as a writer and media producer and look forward to working with him again in the future." Kate Lander: Business Finance Sales Exec & Freelance Scriptwriter.

You can read some poems, essays, political rants, reviews and short stories by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh here. Lugh is the Upstate Renegade Productions and Sensitize © site owner. You can make enquiries about advertising or sponsoring the artists, photographers, poets and writers working on here but you will have to make contact with him through Facebook prior to registering as a member on here.

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Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
site owner, media producer & writer
Posts: 2186
Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:32 am
Location: Derry, Ireland

Derry Musician & Artist's CD for Foyle Hospice 2001

Post by Louis P. Burns aka Lugh »

Wishing Well; Derry Musician & Artist's CD for Foyle Hospice Day Care Unit Appeal (ongoing). This CD was the origins of; Upstate Renegade Productions ©.
By Louis P. Burns aka Lugh © 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Upstate Renegade Productions © were established in 2001 with the release of;- Wishing Well - Derry Musician's & Artist's CD for Foyle Hospice. In reality our name was conceived a good year before that. I was on the Eurocat Performing Arts course at The Playhouse Theatre here in Derry. There were many talented artists, performers and writers on this course. One of them was an actor, musician and writer called Stephen Connelly. We were drinking buddies and had both worked as arts drama activists and actors or in and around performance, film and theatre for most of our lives.

Stephen was working on a short stageplay script and asked me if I would join in. I did. His play was called - The Site, and was set on an English building site staffed by Irishmen from various social backgrounds. I was also working on my own performance piece, a revisit to an old song of mine called, Cool. Aisling Doherty and Rachel Scilley worked with me as female vocalists. The song sort've resounded around the theatre. Stephen, who had worked on and off as an acoustic percussionist also got involved and the song took on a real earthy and organic feel. Time marched on. Stephen decided that his play needed some more work done to it and instead focused his energies on helping me out with the song. We rehearsed at every opportunity.

We were sitting up by the lighting desk of the theatre one lunchbreak, chatting about forming our own drama group that tackled grassroots political issues. Ireland had been going through some serious changes and we speculated where it would all be 10 years on. We joked about how there wouldn't be a place for anarchist performers like us northern renegades, clicked our fingers and said;"upstate renegades." We even improvised a bawdy comedy sketch about it and laid the foundations for what was to later become; Upstate Renegade Productions...

Stephen sadly passed away in October 2000. To mark his passing and to celebrate his life I decided to have Cool recorded with an aim to raising money for whatever charity his family wished. They asked that any money raised go towards the Foyle Hospice Daycare Unit Appeal. I went on local radio and television. I was interviewed by newspapers and I drummed up interest in putting it all together. Other artists and musicians heard what I was doing and offered their own material. The whole thing just rolled from there.

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        Photograph and publicity courtesy of Derry News
        Derry News were a constant source of sponsorship-in-kind
        throughout the production of Wishing Well. Nice one Folks...
The Wishing Well CD is a 12 track disc of original works by many of Derry / Londonderry's artists, musicians and poets, produced by Louis P. Burns - Upstate Renegade Productions and was launched in Sandino's Bar on the 4th October 2001. It includes 2 versions of my song; Cool. One performed by Aisling Doherty with the Gay McIntyre Jazz Quartet*, and one performed by Terence Morrison with the Gay McIntyre Jazz Quartet**. Other recording artists on the Wishing Well CD include; Eamonn Toland, Jim Walker and Sam Starrett. The entire Wishing Well - Derry Musicians and Artists CD 2001 project was a cross community success story and can be bought directly from Foyle Hospice.
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      • Photograph by Joseph P. Burns for Upstate Renegade Productions © 2001.
        1st version of COOL © Upstate Renegade productions 2001. All rights reserved.
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Upstate Renegade Productions © currently work with artists, performers and writers in a realtime and online environment (social media) to put together collaborative new media art, film, music and literature productions.
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Louis P. Burns aka Lugh. North West Institute of Further and Higher Education (NWIFHE)
Recording Studios, Patrick Street. Derry 2001. NWIFHE were a major source of sponsorship-
in-kind for the Wishing Well CD production.
Louis P. Burns aka Lugh
Administrator, editor & owner of the Sensitize © online community of forums and domain for artists, e-poets, filmmakers, media/music producers and writers working through here. To buy the Kindle book of Illustrated Poetry, Sensitize © - Volume One / Poems that could be Films if they were Funded by myself with illustrations by Welsh filmmaker and graphic artist; Norris Nuvo click here for N. Ireland and UK sales. If purchasing in the U.S.A. or internationally then please click here.


My writing is not covered by Creative Commons policy and may not be republished without permission. All rights reserved. All Sensitize © Arts sponsorship donations and postal inquiries to:

Louis P. Burns
42 Farland Way
N. Ireland.
BT48 0RS
Telephone (UK): 028 71219225

Click here to Join Sensitize © Arts via Facebook or to contact the site owner: Louis P. Burns aka Lugh with any forum hosting or site related inquiries.
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