Runner up interaction, March 2006: "How can a cup be so heavy" (poem)
Shortlisted Earlyworks Press High Fantasy Challenge, summer 2006: "I have a daughter" (short story)
Winner Guardian Unlimited topical haiku of the week July 28th '06 and Nov 28th '06
Winner Mad Hatters Review FISH AND PLANE contest Autumn '06 (poem)
Shortlisted Belmont Poetry Prize "A Fishy Tale" Autumn '06 (poem)
Commended Leaf Books Short Short Story Competition Two stories Autumn '06
Highly Commended The Plough Prize "the diver" December '06
Highly Commended Twisted Tongue Flash Fiction Competition "The Dark Side" January '07
Writer's Choice Second Prize Moontopples Vision Short Story Competition "Coppelia" February '07
Highly Commended Twisted Tongue Flash Fiction Competition "Gingerbread Girls" May '07
Commended Leaf Books 2007 Micro-Fiction Competition Two stories May '07
Winner banned words poetry contest May '07
Shortlisted Earlyworks Press Open Poetry Competition "Drowned" Spring '07
Shortlisted Earlyworks Press Short Story Competition "The Proof of the Book is in the Eating" Summer '07
Shortlisted Fish One-Page Prize "Origami" Spring 2008
I'll add to this list as and when I win anything else